Risc World 3
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Text File
104 lines
|Configuration file for Powerbase. Individual databases may contain their
|own Config files to override some of the settings below.
|You MUST use the token word which appears first on each line and
|separate it from the setting by a single space only.
|The ORDER of lines is not important.
|Maximum fields per record. Must be < 128 *
Fields 120
|Maximum number of indices *
Keys 10
|Maximum number of validation tables *
Tabs 10
|Maximum number of columns in validation tables *
Cols 20
|Maximum number of customisation libraries *
MaxLibs 10
|Directory containing databases which use customisation libraries *
|"Default" means directory which also contains PbaseDA
CustDir Default
|Maximum number of scrolling lists *
Scrolls 5
|Time for which startup banner appears (5 sec maximum) *
BTime 2
|Left-opening icon-bar sub-menus (RISC OS 3 only) *
LeftOpen NO
|Keypad (1) or Toolpane (2) *
Tools 2
|Background colour of record window **
BackGnd 1
|Uppercase entry in access window (for password-controlled databases)
Upper NO
|Display option for button-opened directories, e.g. -st (sort by type)
DirOpts -si
|Method of choosing filenames for External objects
ExtFiles NEW
|Default query method. Search Formula (SF) or Query-By-Example (QBE)
Query SF
|Maximum pathname length for Remote files
PathLen 255
|Adjust data-field widths to take account of desktop font
FontAdj YES
|Multitask with other Powerbase functions during printing etc.
|List generation is MUCH faster with this set to NO.
Multi NO
|Display pane for marking individual records for printing
MarkPane YES
|Maximum length of filename. DO NOT INCREASE this value unless you know you
|can use long filenames. (e.g. Have !raFS or RO4 with E+ format HD.)
NameLen 10
|Attributes of Run file and Directory buttons on record window.
|Number is width in pixels. If followed by L leafname of file/directory
|will appear below icon, otherwise icon is vertically centred.
ButtonAtts 42
|No.of seconds delay between double-click and tone-dialling
DialDelay 5
|Interpretation of partial entry into Time fields
|H means 1st no. entered taken as hrs, 2nd as min, 3rd as sec
|S means interpret in reverse order to above
|Omitted values default to 0
TimeFirst H
|Display time in full
|YES=always show as hh:mm:ss, NO allows mm:ss for times under 1hr
FullTime YES
|Earliest year assumed to be 20th century in dates with 2-digit year
CentChange 10
|What to do with output destined for printer.
|1=send it direct (i.e. to file called "printer:")
|2=send it to Wimp$Scrap, then copy to printer:
|If using FastSpool+ or TurboDriver (which print first to file anyway) use 1
|Otherwise try 1 first, but change to 2 if you encounter problems
Output 1
|* Cannot be set for specific databases; only for Powerbase as a whole.
|** If set for a specific database it affects background of descriptors only.
| Colour numbers are: 0 - white, 1-6 - greyscale, 7 - black
| 8 - dark blue, 9 - yellow, 10 - green, 11 - red, 12 - cream
| 13 - olive green, 14 - orange, 15 - light blue